Branding proposals

Technology company


  • #051828
  • #F4EDDE
  • #1B2E50


  • Title: Josefin Sans
  • All other: Open Sans

Branding explanation

It is important to ensure that the design is modern, eye-catching, and easy to use. Additionally, the design should be tailored to the desired audience and company goals.

A simple yet elegant design, with a subtle color palette and legible sans-serif fonts is crucial.

Example websites for a similar target audience

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eum error animi quibusdam neque incidunt qui sit sunt!

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Gaming company


  • #0E0F26
  • #302399
  • #5F23A5
  • #95FF00


  • Title: Audiowide
  • All other: Play

Branding explanation

For a gaming company's website, there are many factors to consider. It is important to think about the company's target audience and the message that they wish to convey, establishing their brand.

Gamers tend to like dark themed websites and applications overall. Pairing that with (a) striking accent color(s) will do the trick to catch your target audience's attention.

Example websites for a similar target audience

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eum error animi quibusdam neque incidunt qui sit sunt!

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Beauty Salon


  • #EAB45C
  • #181C56
  • #333333


  • Send Flowers
  • Ubuntu

Branding explanation

Designing a website for a beauty salon is no simple task. With the right design and the right look, you can create a website that stands out and attracts customers.

A website should accurately reflect the salon’s style, while still being user-friendly.

Example websites for a similar target audience

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Assumenda eum error animi quibusdam neque incidunt qui sit sunt!

Book an appointment

Second-hand Car Dealership


  • #FEF273
  • #C2CAFA
  • #222B5F
  • #E34441


  • All: Nunito Sans

Branding explanation

The website of a car dealership should have a design that is both remarkable and informative. It should be easy to navigate, with all the information customers need in an easy to find location.

The colors and visuals should give customers a sense of the dealership's brand and make them feel confident in their purchase.

Example websites for a similar target audience

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo amet maiores veniam deserunt, magni fugit ipsa a eos laboriosam. Mollitia!

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Wedding Planner


  • #4D4351
  • #F4EDDE


  • Title: Parisienne
  • All other: Jost

Branding explanation

When designing a website for a wedding planner it's very important to pay attention to various elements.

It must provide easy access to information, be aesthetically pleasing, and also serve as a valuable resource for customers.

A subdued color palette, a fine font – mostly cursive or serif – and a user-friendly yet luxurious design, will surely capture your customers' attention

Example websites for a similar target audience

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magni, dignissimos!

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